Homeless chaplaincy

Homeless chaplaincy

For many years, we Franciscan Sisters of Olpe have been committed to caring for our brothers and sisters on the Way. For many years together with the Franciscans in Cologne and today with a team of full-time and voluntary workers.


Homeless people... these are people without a fixed abode. Some of them "make a record", i.e. live on the street. Others find accommodation in homeless shelters and housing assistance projects. Or they find temporary accommodation with friends and acquaintances. Many suffer from mental illness or have addiction problems. Broken relationships, debts or other "life accidents" affect their lives.


Pastoralcare... is an open offer for everyone. Pastoral care means accompanying people on their own journey through life, trusting that God walks with us. Pastoral care is done by listening, talking to each other, showing reverence and respect, giving support, giving comfort, celebrating church services, praying together, asking for blessings, mediation to help facilities, going along paths, showing meaning for one's own life, also sometimes through concrete quick help, visits to hospitals or prisons and much more. In short, pastoral care means being there for people, accepting them as they are and encouraging them to take the next necessary step - trusting in the presence of God.


Pastoralcare for the homeless... that is the Church of Jesus Christ on the street. The pastoral care of homeless people wants to let the merciful love of God be experienced by the sisters and brothers from the street.


This happens... - through outreach pastoral care on the streets and squares of the city of Cologne, e.g. at the evening soup distribution at Appellhofplatz, - through regular presence in the various aid facilities of the churches and other independent agencies - through our offers in Gubbio, the contact point of the pastoral care - through individual accompaniment and individual conversations - through various activities such as days of reflection, concerts, etc. - through the support of the homeless.e.g. days of reflection, concerts, visits to museums, joint vacation trips lasting several days, participation in the star pilgrimage of the homeless and much more.

Link to Gubbio https://gemeinden.erzbistum-koeln.de/gubbio_obdachlosenseelsorge/start/