What we do

What we do

Mother Maria Theresa Bonzel did not found an aid organization in 1863, like the Red Cross in the same year, nor a workers' party like the SPD. She founded a religious community that has two pillars: 1. the service to people in need (through works of mercy) 2. the adoration of God.

Worship is done in two ways:

  • first, in perpetual/eternal adoration, which means that in everything they do, the sisters always see God as greater and trust him and his actions
  • and in Eucharistic Adoration in the Adoration Chapel in the Motherhouse, or also in the churches and chapels of the other convents.

Mother Theresa always told her sisters: "It is not the service to the children, the sick and the needy that makes us religious, but adoration and constant prayer".