Spiritual accompaniment

Spiritual accompaniment

Spiritual accompaniment

There is no such thing as a straight path through life, just as there is no such thing as a straight path of faith. In many cases, Christians find their own spirituality through pastoral care, church services and prayer. Sometimes, however, when life wounds become too deep and doubts about faith too strong, special and individual support is needed.

Spiritual accompaniment is an offer for all people who feel the desire to deepen their relationship with God. It consists primarily of regular conversations. Basically, everything that happens in life can be discussed in a spiritual accompaniment. The point is to consider individual and personal life questions in the context of faith and thus to cope with them better.

Every person who is looking for more meaning in his or her life and consciously includes the question of God and a life with him or her, is open to the path of spiritual accompaniment.

(Source: Archdiocese of Paderborn, Spiritual Accompaniment)

Some sisters offer the service of spiritual accompaniment